You want your keyword


A good way to break down your campaigns and ad groups is to look at the structure of your site. Tip: Having multiple campaigns is not suitable for every business as this will increase the budget across the entire account, so if you are running a small business with only two products and your budget is limited you may want to run one with a slightly higher budget. bestseller” campaign and then launch an alternative campaign with a smaller budget. Looking at the website you’ll clearly see there are a few different ways we can break down her account.


For example we could create

Different campaigns for the following products Men Guangdong Mobile Number List Women Teens Kids and Accessories and then create ad groups for different products within each campaign. Since I feel like there will be a lot of overlap here I would suggest segmenting the campaign Ski Wear – Rental Jackets – Rental Basements – Rental Pants – Rental Accessories – Rental by product and then have specific ad groups under each category e.g. Campaign Jackets Rental Ad Groups Women’s Jackets Rental Men’s Jackets Rental Children’s Jackets Rental Jackets In each ad group Christie will want to have keywords that are very closely related to the topic of that ad group.

It is recommended to have

No more than 1 keyword per ad group and then Albania Phone Number List have two to three ads per ad group using the keywords in the ad text. ads and landing pages to both be highly relevant to each other because searchers are more likely to express genuine interest. For example, if you searched for a ski jacket rental but were directed to an ad about renting boots for kids, would you click on it? Probably not because the product is not related to your specific search.

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