Yes, the comment surprised me. It was about a sudden large money transfer that could be received by replying to the email address specified in the message.
– Did you forward the letter to me?
– Sure. It looked harmless enough. A regular email from Google Photos. Check your inbox.
– Ah, here it is. A really strange headline: “The Fox wanted to share a photo with you.” Yeah… There’s a photo of some bank check attached. It mentions some kind of fee that you’ll have to pay to get a transfer of a much larger amount. Doesn’t that make you wary, Piggy?
– That is, if I paid the commission
– Then you would be left without money. Of course, the scammers would simply break the contract, and you would never find them again.
— So, now scammers can work through Google Photos?
– Yes! And through Google Photos, and through Google Calendar, and through Twitter and Facebook…
– So what, should I not trust anyone now?
– Well, why not? Believe, but verify! Always verify and remember that if you are asked to do something urgently, especially if you are offered too good conditions – this should alert you! Remember,
– Potapych! Congratulate new zealand whatsapp data me! I was approved for a loan at your bank to buy a car! But there are some alarming points.
– Congratulations, Hare! How did you find out about this? Did they send you a letter?
– No! I was automatically added to the Google calendar, I saw a pop-up window on my smartphone.
– Are you sure that this is a notification from the bank? Were you invited to the bank’s website?
– Yes!
– What confused you?
— That they asked me for my bank card details and some personal information, in particular my name, phone number and address. Well, a bank can’t ask that.
– So that’s why you came?
– Well, yes! I haven’t entered any information yet, I decided to consult with you.
– Oh, you make alb directory me bother people outside of working hours!
– Oh please!
– Good! Mikhalych, hi! chris kline vice president information technology, chief information officer you seen Zayets’s application for a loan? When did he submit it? A couple of days ago.