Over the past couple of decades

Changes in the threat landscape have transformed the way we design, implement, and manage security architectures. Over the past two decades, organizations have updatd their security infrastructure to protect themselves from the latest threats and attack vectors. The emergence of numerous viruses best combat and worms in the late 1990s led to the development of antivirus and IDS solutions. The rise alb directory of spam and phishing attacks was the catalyst for the creation of modern email gateways. The list goes on, with organizations adding new features to their security infrastructure almost every year, such as DDoS protection solutions, secure web gateways, reputation filters, etc.

What these security tools

Have in common is best combat solenne treins responsable trafic manager  that they all use signature analysis. And since cybercriminals tend to invest in ROI and TCO as much as their victims, they have long understood that attacks whose signatures are known are less profitable.