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What are marketing channels and how to choose them? Learn everything you always wanted to know!

Marketing channels are the ways you get your product to the end customer. They are how you make your products available for purchase.

Ivan Nunes de Castro

Mar 1, 21 | 10 min read
marketing channels
Reading time: 8 minutes
Marketing channels are the means us to convey your product message to the end customer, that is, they are the mechanisms that allow you to display what you want to sell to the target audience.

The definition of your marketing strategies must consider different factors such as carrying out a competitor analysis, knowing your client profile and following the market mood. But, without a doubt, one of the most important is the marketing channels.

Having a good product to offer to the market is essential

but if you don’t think about how to get that product into the hands of the right customer, in the right quantity and at the right time, the possibility of the business failing is very high.

And that is exactly what the definition nauru email list 100000 contact leads of marketing channels is all about : knowing how to make products or services available to the end consumer according to their demands and requirements.

Just think about your Content Marketing plan , for example.

To have successful planning, you also ne to know who your Buyer Persona is ; what their pains and problems are in order to produce content that addresses these issues and offers them value, right?

However, what’s the point of creating sensational content if you don’t know how to deliver it so that your buyer persona finds it at the right moment in their purchasing journey?


They are two very different things, but if you think about the meaning of the word channel, you will see that in both cases, and in all the others where it is us, the idea is the same: the channel is a means of distributing or transmitting something.

When we talk about television channels, they are a mium by which the broadcaster reaches the viewer or, in the case of water channels, they are the mium by which water is carri from one point to another.

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Why are marketing channels so important

To understand this a little better, let’s think about the following example: what do you do when you’re hungry? One possibility is to go to the kitchen, grab a piece of bread, a slice of cheese, and a glass of chocolate milk.

In fact, you can easily find these items in a store or market, right?

Now, assuming you are how to have a profitable service business in 2024 the cheese maker, you would likely ne to purchase large quantities of milk and packaging on a weekly basis to produce your product, which would not be possible to solve with a simple trip to the market.

Transport trucks would probably ne to be sent to livestock farms and packaging manufacturers every week.

However, these suppliers or sellers of these products may offer, for your convenience, the possibility of receiving orders via the Internet or by telephone and sending the products directly to your factory.

The ways in which marketers move products from the point of production to the point of consumption involve marketing channels, which are essential for carrying out the activities necessary to link the producer with the end user.

That is, the market and the distributors of packaging and milk mention in the example are members of a distribution channel, without which anhui mobile phone number list the piece of cheese would never reach your table when you are hungry.

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