Ways Sample Management Can Save You $10M



Delays in time to market

Achieving ever-faster time to market is a huge and ongoing challenge as fashion brands compete to satisfy the whims of a customer base that wants more, faster. Poor sample management can delay time to market by BTC Users Number Data stifling the creative process (for example, by delaying access to inspiration pieces) and interrupting the product development cycle.

This is especially true when the volume of samples produced per collection is low: in a scenario where, for example, one copy.  Ways Sample Management Can Save You $10M  is shared between six different internal teams, delays in product development are virtually inevitable.

Considering that many fashion companies.  Ways Sample Management Can Save You $10M  still use traditional non-RFID tags to manually label samples, it is clear that inefficient internal processes are largely to blame.

As stated in the Pulse of the Fashion Industry report :

“If fashion brands continue to manage samples as they do now, they will see a reduction in profits of 52 billion dollars by 2030.”



Save time and reduce internal costs with sample traffic management software
Upgrading to a digital system based on RFID technology is the fastest and most reliable way to transform your internal sample management Australia Phone Number List process into one that not only supports your business, but accelerates its growth.

Industry-specific software like Launchmetrics Samples lets you easily track incoming and outgoing samples as they move between.  Ways Sample Management Can Save You $10M  departments, yielding a wide range of benefits. Many of these are external, like increased PR coverage, but software like this can also have a huge transformative effect on internal operations

Technology is now more than ever a key driving force for the success of any fashion brand. According to McKinsey’s State of Fashion Technology Report 2022 , fashion companies are set to double their technology investments by 2030.

Customer-facing activities are a focal point of these investments, but not the only one: as McKinsey notes, the fashion industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of digital transformation to improve internal operations.

“Over 60% of fashion industry executives believe that creating integrated digital processes across the organization will be one of the top five digitalization areas to pursue by 2025.”

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