Home » TikTok for brands: learn how to promote yours in 2022

TikTok for brands: learn how to promote yours in 2022

Learn how to promote your brand on TikTok by considering the strategies of the main global brands and their performance on this network!

Ivan de Souza

Jan 27, 21 | 7 min read
tiktok for brands
Reading time: 7 minutes
TikTok has quickly invaded the social media niche and become the main app for teenagers and young people. The advertising market surrounding it is still quite new and there are few specialists in promotion for this social network so far . For this reason, TikTok for brands often raises many doubts among corporate managers.

In this article, you’ll learn how to advertise brands

and products on TikTok, what types of advertising exist, and how brands have executed their campaigns on this social network.

TikTok users: who are they?
TikTok was launched in September 2016. By 2020, the list of mozambique consumer email app had already accumulated 800 million active users worldwide . Of this total, the main audience resides in China, India and the United States.

Today, TikTok is among the top ten social media

platforms in the world and has already surpassed titans like Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter.

The core of TikTok’s audience is young people. 41% of the audience are users between 16 and 24 years old. The other age groups have minimal activity. The data on the number of men and women are different, but the average proportion is 60% women and 40% men.

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After analyzing this data, we can conclude

that this social network seems to be more suitable for brands whose target audience is mostly made up of young people, such as companies that sell how to price your services correctly in 2024 gadgets or manufacturers of clothing for teenagers.

Other important data about the social network’s audience:

90% of users access TikTok daily;
One-third of all app downloads are from Indian residents;
The average user spends 52 minutes a day on it;
The app is available in 155 countries and has versions in 75 languages;
Users watch over 1 million videos every day.
tiktok for brands
Ad formats on TikTok
In fact, when it comes to TikTok stocks, the advertising market is still in its infancy. There is very little competition, and there are still no clear rules defined.

However, ad format dy leads classification already exists. Learn about the main types below.


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