Summary of the last 4 months on TeleCube

After cold and rainy days, the summer weather has arrived. Enjoying the sunny, spring day, we hasten to summarize the last four months in TeleCube. A lot has happened, so there was something to write about. We encourage you to read the article to find out what new things have appeared in TeleCube since January.

RINGY templates
At the end of April, we introduced a certain convenience for our customers who use or want to create their first RINGY callback widget.

In the TeleCube Client Panel, in the RINGY call back widget pop-up content editor , we have made available 14 color templates prepared by us. You can choose one of the proposed color combinations or customize the colors to match the page on which the widget is to be placed.

To use the template, log in to the TeleCube Client Panel and enter the configurator of the selected widget for which you want to apply the template ( “TeleCube PRO” > “Ringy – Widget Callback” tab). In the “Widget Appearance” section, enter “Window Content Editor”. In the “Colors” section, you can select one of the 14 proposed templates from the drop-down list or customize the colors yourself. To implement the selected pop-up colors on your website, click “Save Changes”.

RINGY callback widget pop-up color schemeRINGY callback widget

Displaying contact names
In April, we informed about the availability of the contact name display function. These names, added to the phone book, are displayed both in the call billing on the TeleCube Customer Panel and on the devices to which the calls are directed.

We also mentioned this feature in our last blog article.

New items and package prices
Since April 9, 2019, customers who register for free tests of our virtual exchange have been using a new package offer. The packages have been expanded to include additional numbers and functions that were previously available outside the package.

PING measurement controls
In February, after maintenance work, we welcomed refreshed PING parameter measurement controls to our Customer Panel. The existing colors were joined by a new, blue icon color during the changes.

What is the PING parameter? How to Binance Database check this parameter for your SIP accounts? What do the different colors of the icons mean? We wrote about all this in the article available here .

You can read more about what has changed in the packages on our blog .

A Bit of Statistics
The statistics from recent months fill us with great optimism. Our telephony continues to enjoy great interest, and the number of connections and new registrations is on the rise.

In the months of January-April, we recorded Uganda Phone Number List an increase of about 12% compared to the same period last year, in the number of new activations of all our services. Taking into account only the activations of the virtual PBX and the Mini package, the increase was about 15%. We do not include March in this list, because in March 2020 numerous restrictions and remote work were introduced, which influenced the record interest in VoIP telephony .

Our Clients have generated significant outgoing traffic in the past four months. Compared to the previous year, we have recorded an increase of over 6% in the number of outgoing calls made. In 2021, we have also recorded very good results in terms of the number of text messages sent . April was a record month in this respect, when TeleCube users sent over 133 thousand text messages.


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