The Internet is now a.Therefore, fundamental place for businesses and social networks. Therefore, have become the privileged meeting point between supply and demand . The reason is simple: social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube are the place where it is easiest to interact with your audience.
According to a recent survey , today there are almost 44 million people in Italy who are active on social media: a penetration that is close to 75%. Among the main reasons why people use social media so much are looking for information on products to buy (29.6%), sharing and discussing opinions (19.1%), and watching the content of their favorite brands (15.1%).
Given these statistics, it doesn’t seem strange that social media today are clearly able to surpass the performance of traditional “old school” marketing .
How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 5 Steps
Every social media has its own peculiarities . Choosing the most Chinese UK suitable platform depends on the marketing objective you want to achieve and the type of content you want to share. Regardless of the differences, however, whatever social you want to exploit, it will not be possible to ignore a targeted and structured strategy, capable of strengthening and increasing the commercial efforts of the organization.
Here’s how to set up a successful social media marketing strategy in 5 steps :
Define your target groups. It doesn’t matter if your company operates in B2B or B2C. In any case, your audience will be made up of multiple types of people/users. Define Canada Phone Number Lis buyer personas based on demographic characteristics (age, gender, origin, profession/role), interests, needs, behaviors. Establish why your products are the ideal solution for these users and don’t forget that purchasing decisions can be driven by different motivations.
Identify the appropriate social networks. Where is it easiest to reach your audience? What are the ideal social media to spread your content? The key is to diversify . LinkedIn is perfect for B2B relationships and corporate content; Facebook is ideal for brand awareness and customer care; Instagram is the best for visual communication and storytelling.