Home » My online store isn’t selling: find out the reasons and how to fix it!

My online store isn’t selling: find out the reasons and how to fix it!

“My online store isn’t selling and I don’t know what else to do.” Dear reader, you’ve already taken the first step: recognizing that there is a problem is the starting point to get out of a bad situation. Now, you ne to identify at what stage mistakes are being made and what to do to correct them.

Ivan de Souza

Feb 10, 21 | 11 min read
My online store does not sell
Reading time: 8 minutes
If you repeat the phrase “my online store doesn’t sell” and you have doubts about the reasons why this happens, you must first understand the dynamics of digital sales . “If you don’t see it, you don’t remember it” is a maxim that can be appli to describe this moment in which it is necessary, as a first action, to create a website that converts .

Your online store nes to have traffic, and you should already know this. In a sales funnel —that’s why it’s call that— the volume of people who will reach your page will undoubtly be much greater than the number of people who will pay for your products or services.

Therefore, you must also understand the reasons

why prospects are there . This way, you can convert them into leads, qualify this audience, convert them into potential customers, lead them to become consumers, and finally, delight them so that they become promoters of your brand.

It’s not as easy as it sounds, it requires time, effort and knowlge on various topics . The characteristics of the audience at each stage of the sales list of liechtenstein consumer email funnel, for example, allow you to provide them with valuable content that is suit to their demands.

But you still ne to understand some technical requirements of the website or the desires and expectations of consumers about the products and services that will be available. At Rock, we create and provide content on each of these requirements, however, in this article, we will focus on the technical part of the site.

Look at the possible reasons why your online store does not have traffic or does not convert leads into customers:

The website is not SEO optimiz
If your site is not SEO (search engine optimization) optimiz , you will undoubtly have less traffic than you could get. This is because applying good practices increases the chances of websites, blogs and e-commerce appearing in the top positions of the search engine rankings.

Some reports attest to this information. According to Hubspot, the first position in Google SERPs has a 34.36 % higher click-through rate . Furthermore, as found by Search Engine Journal, 93% of all website traffic on the internet comes from a search engine .

However, in addition to organic searches, prospects can reach your page through referrals (backlinks add to content), social mia posts , and advertising (paid ads).

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Organic traffic versus paid traffic

To get more traffic, you ne to optimize these channels to get an audience. While some improvements ensure that the audience reaches your online store more quickly, other means, such as Content Marketing, allow for more tangible results in the long term.

This means: either you gain traffic organically and guarantee good results for a longer period of time or you pay to receive more visitors who may become mere quick viewers of your content.

Gaining more traffic requires commitment, time and persistence in actions . An SEO campaign can take months to generate the expect return, but replicate billie eilish’s success in your marketing campaign the results make it worth both the wait and the investment.

Paying for increas user traffic can increase visits to your site quickly, but it can also quickly consume a company’s marketing investment resources. This is because paid traffic is the result of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, such as Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads , among others.

But the increase in sales does not justify the cost and characterizes a lower ROI (Return on Investment), due to the low volume of qualifi leads. However, if you want ao lists to take a risk with ads, you should analyze your campaign settings to really reach a good audience for your business.

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