Home » Marketing mistakes: 10 campaigns that went wrong

Marketing mistakes: 10 campaigns that went wrong

Analyzing campaigns that went wrong and identifying marketing errors helps you understand what the public doesn’t accept and create successful strategies for promoting products and services. Learn about 10 campaigns that caus problems for the brand.

Rock Content Writer

Mar 23, 21 | 10 min read
Marketing mistakes
Reading time: 9 minutes
Many companies have already gone through the bitter experience of marketing mistakes after developing campaigns that went wrong. It is true that campaigns are important to increase brand recognition in the market and to attract new customers. However, it is necessary to be careful and attentive in their development, to avoid mistakes and misinterpretations, damaging the company’s image.

Negative repercussions can cause a lot of damage

including the loss of customers and, in some cases, even legal problems. Therefore, it is important to plan a marketing campaign and analyze all the liberia email list 100000 contact leads vrelat elements and their possible scenarios. In addition, it must be align with the company’s objectives and how it wants to be seen by the market .

To demonstrate how the consequences of marketing mistakes can be disastrous, we have select the following campaigns that did not have a good impact on the market and damag the company’s image.


1. Launch of New Coke
According to The Economist Time , in the early 1950s, Coca-Cola’s share of the US soft drink market account for 60% of the total soft drink consumption. This number gradually decreas over the years, and by 1983, this figure had reach 23%. In an attempt to improve this metric, the company decid to modify the formula of its soft drink to make it sweeter.

Coca-Cola conduct market research in which some 200,000 consumers tri and approv the new flavor. Thus, on April 23, 1985, The Coca-Cola Company officially announc the first change in the formula of its drink and gave it the name New Coke.

new coke marketing mistakes
Source: Coca-Cola Brazil

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The reaction of consumers was the worst possible

as they did not accept the modification of the taste. There was a strong link in relation to the original , which could not be broken, even by the manufacturer’s desire.

After several protests against it and only 79 days after its launch, The Coca-Cola Company return to producing the original formula of its classic does being generous make you happier? here’s what science says drink and creat different marketing campaigns for each one .

Despite the satisfactory market research in this case, it is very risky to make a change in the formula of a company’s most important product. Therefore, new flavours must be launch without withdrawing the main product in order not to make a marketing mistake.

2. Change in the GAP logo
The visual identity of a brand represents the ease with which it can be identifi by the market. When people see a company’s logo, they quickly associate it with its main products or services. Therefore, any modification must be well thought out and plann to avoid negative impacts .

That’s exactly what GAP didn’t do. In 2010, it chang its logo, which had been in use for more than 20 years. The change was drastic, as the company name in the original version was written in capital letters and in a Serif font, which has a small stroke in the parts america email list that form the letter, in addition to having a blue background and a white font.

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