Home » Learn the 7 main brand positioning mistakes you should avoid

Learn the 7 main brand positioning mistakes you should avoid

Having the ability to learn from our mistakes doesn’t mean we have to make a lot of mistakes to learn more; not at all! In this post we will show you that by reducing brand positioning mistakes, we learn much more than by making them.

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Mar 3, 21 | 7 min read
brand positioning mistakes
Reading time: 5 minutes
We often start a branding campaign with all our energy, wanting to conquer the world. It’s normal, after all, the Internet offers us a practically unlimited amount of audience, and with all those people it’s very easy to sell. That’s where we make one of the biggest mistakes in brand positioning.

We see the market as something general and forget that its essence is to carry out a specific transaction between a company that provides a specific solution and a client who has an individual problem .

That’s why in this article we’ll tell you what brand

positioning is and what the most common mistakes are. The big difference is that this content won’t be the same as anything you’ve read out there. It contains knowledge and lessons that you won’t find in other publications. Are you ready?

If the answer is yes, continue reading?What is brand positioning?
Brand positioning consists of placing the logo, that is, the visual identity of our brand, in the memory of our customers, and emerging right at the moment of the purchasing decision .

In a much more poetic way, Kotler morocco email list 800000 contact leads said, “positioning consists of designing the commercial offer in such a way that it occupies a precious place in the minds of consumers.”

If you want to know more, in this Brand Positioning Guide you will find all the information you need to refer to the topic.

Why is brand positioning so important?
Because being remembered increases sales . When we talk about branding, we are not simply talking about being seen, but about enduring in memory, creating a memorable event or experience involving our brand so that the mere memory of it becomes a trigger for positive emotions and sensations.

Most of the articles on the subject talk about very basic mistakes such as: not having a clear idea of ​​the brand’s
purchasing process (to implement improvements).
If you look at them carefully, they are all tools that, in addition to performing a specific function, transform the general into a who, a where and a when. Don’t make this mistake with something as important as your brand; there is no such thing as marketing in general.

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That’s why we’re warning you about this very common

mistake of not taking the power of marketing seriously. Work with professionals to make branding an investment instead of an expense.

Mistake #3: Not having a healthy relationship with money
Continuing with the line of thought from the previous point, another big mistake is to think that marketing has no costs or to have that mentality that what is a bump and how can it increase your sales? confuses expenses with investment. Marketing done well can mean investing 5 to earn 500 , if we do branding it is because it works and gives us a very high profit margin on the investment.

Marketing is a fundamental asset of the company and branding works with perceptions, subjectivities, images, colors, texts, that is: we will need a high-quality team .

Quality, in turn, has two aspects that, although they seem opposite, are actually complementary:

It requires resources, because it is expensive;
It gives us resources, because that’s what our customers pay for.
Therefore, it is not a topic for discussion; always anhui mobile phone number list work with a clear, fair and reasonable budget to finance the quality of your brand positioning.

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