Innovating from strategy and online positioning

For the occasion we had guille rodríguez, global head of social media at the hotel chain, who shared with us the transformation that the palladium group has undergone from the inside and out to be recognize as the most innovative hotel chain from a marketing point of view.  Despite being the tenth largest national chain, it has managed to be the largest hotel group on social networks, with more than 8 million followers and the one with the most engagement , that is, the one that manages to influence and impact its audience the most.

Getting the greatest number of reactions

To its content. Technology has become a tool, this represents a social change to take into account and a change in user behavior . Today companies are USA WhatsApp Number List competing for attention , the most important finite resource to compete for. In that sense, the four great laws required for any company that wants to innovate are digitize , connect, measure and automate . Guille began by telling us about these four laws and the importance of technology and, in the case of the relationship with the client.

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The changes that Are occurring in the networks

So for example, tik tok, which was the most downloaded application last year, is winning the battle for attention . They are not defined as a social Arabia Whatsapp Number network but as an entertainment platform and their algorithm is different from other platforms. It is an immersive experience, since it forces the user to see the content in full screen and with sound, by default, in order to capture their attention.

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