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How to beat the competition: 5 strategies to put into practice

The market has become increasingly competitive. However, did you know that this is not necessarily a bad thing? When you know ways to beat your competition, your business can stand out and gain more authority. Read this post to the end and learn how to position yourself above everyone else.

Ivan de Souza

Jan 18, 21 | 8 min read
How to beat the competition
Reading time: 6 minutes
Do you think competitive markets create uncertainty? Well, this can be turned into opportunities. High competitiveness indicates the existence of demand and the possibility of profitability. However, it is interesting to look for ways to beat the competition, since your company needs to be seen and your products need to stand out.

In this sense, it is necessary to take as a basis some

of the recommendations of management practices for marketing or communication agencies, for example. If done correctly, they help to organize processes, to have a broad knowledge of the business itself and to increase customer loyalty.

Below, find out how to find your edge in the market and what are the best strategies to get ahead. Keep reading!

Understand how to assess your competitive potential
Understanding the reality of your communication company is essential and deserves attention before thinking about strategies. See how to do it!

Run the benchmarking
How do you beat an enemy without norfolk island email list 100000 contact leads first knowing its limitations and strengths? Benchmarking actions consist of observing your biggest business rivals. In addition to generating deep understanding about opponents, the practice provides information for potential investments. Environments such as social media, suggestion boxes, brand sites and Google are good options. To do so, analyze some of these points:

How do your competitors position themselves and work in marketing?
What are your customers’ biggest complaints?
What are the greatest satisfactions?
How does competition interact with consumers?
If you know the service they offer, what is your impression?
Collect CRM data

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environment. Being unknown in the market

and not having a marketing expert are some examples.
Threats : These are found in the external environment. Tax increases and complete disruption of services due to a pandemic are examples.
It is common for businesses to have characteristics within these four aspects. However, it is necessary to identify what prevails. Strategies can be:

strengths + threats: maintenance strategy. Analyze how you can use internal strengths to find ways to stay relevant;
Weaknesses + Threats: Survival community cash flow: build loyalty and earn profits Strategy. The scenario requires a lot of caution before making important decisions;
Weaknesses + Opportunities: Growth Strategy. Despite internal weaknesses, the market is conducive to investments;
strengths + opportunities: leverage strategy. Best case scenario. It may be worth taking some risks and being bold.
Discover how to find your differential in the market
Competitive advantage is what brings value to your company. It refers to something you offer that is not easily found in other members of your dy leads segment. That is why customers choose some brands despite being more expensive. The steps to find them are as follows.

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