Home » Hacker: What it is, what it does and how it can attack your website

Hacker: What it is, what it does and how it can attack your website

A hacker invasion can compromise not only your company’s data, but also affect your visitors and make browsing unsustainable. Therefore, learning the different methods used by cybercriminals is essential to take effective digital protection measures.

Ivan de Souza

Jan 25, 21 | 10 min read

Reading time: 8 minutes
The Internet is a rapidly developing system. When Digital Marketing first became popular , it was very different, with pages that took minutes to load and extremely limited functionality. For example, the practicality provided by WordPress was unimaginable.

However, there is one figure that has accompanied – and frightened – the digital user since the dawn of the Internet: the hacker. As the network develops and generates more resources for users and companies, such as the possibility of storing large amounts of valuable data, hackers also improve their techniques.

But, after all, what is a hacker and what is the real threat they represent to the security of your website and your data? How can we protect ourselves? We created this publication precisely to answer these and other questions that often generate many doubts in the corporate environment. Here you will find the following content:

Continue reading to the end and find out all the details!

What is a hacker?
First of all, it is important to note that when we refer to a hacker, we are not always talking about a digital criminal. The use of this term is growing to refer to people or professionals who have skills considered advanced in some type of knowledge.

If you have experience with Digital Marketing niger email list 150000 contact leads management , for example, you may have already heard of a growth hacker, a professional whose job is to look for opportunities to accelerate the growth of the company. In this article, we will not address aspects of this type of hacker.

Our hacker is undesirable. Like the one mentioned above, his activities are limited to finding loopholes, i.e. security flaws . In this way, he can access restricted information and other people’s systems. In many cases, he can also remotely make changes to programs and devices connected to the hacked system.

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Of course, things are not that simple. Big tech companies

especially Amazon, invest heavily in the security of their systems, precisely to prevent them from becoming vulnerable to attacks and, therefore, losing public trust.

The example, however, is interesting to stimulate the almost infinite possibilities of action that a hacker has. Two security researchers, Runa Sandvik and Michael Auger, demonstrated that even high-precision rifles can be hacked and controlled remotely.

Of course, so far, we’ve focused on the big picture, but you can already get an idea of ​​how damaging a hacker attack can be for a business, right? So how do we protect ourselves? To start, we need to understand how these attacks work. Check out the next topic!

How does a hacker attack work?
As you can imagine, there is no homogeneous what is a bump and how can it increase your sales? form of cyber attack . However, we can say that most of them occur from the identification of a flaw in a software. In fact, it is not always fair to classify them as bugs, but rather as loopholes.

The moment a software “opens its doors” to receive or send the file, no matter how fast it is, can be the opportunity that the hacker needs to invade the system. Many of them do this by creating a fake file that enters the program as if it were another common data of the operation.

To help you better understand the diversity of hacker attacks, we have separated some of the most common ones so that you can learn about them dy leads and, thus, begin to prevent them. Follow us!

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