Among the many criticisms and doubts raised by the provision. We find those who maintain that the data automatically recorded by email systems are functional for the purposes of proving the authenticity of emails.
being these are technical parameters Bahamas Phone Numbers generated by the server systems for managing and sorting emails that allow. when The history of an email to be identified with absolute certainty. For this reason. This information gives greater probative value to the emails produced by the employer in the event of. A dispute and, given the frequent need of the employer were to produce emails in court even a long time after they were sent. The deadline indicated by the Guarantor seems to involve considerable difficulties and risks.
One solution could certainly be to extend Albania Phone Number List the indicative term of 21 days indicated in the provision. But always and in any case in the face of considerable motivational burdens relating to. The technical and organizational needs of the company.
The scope of application and the indicative deadline of 21 days
Another concern raised concerns the applicability of the document, which according to some has a general applicative value. The provision refers to logs (intended as information automatically generated by email management and sorting servers) only in the part relating to the establishment of the 21-day retention period, but that the observation produced by the intersection between the different regulations would be applicable to any type of metadata capable of determining remote control of the worker.
The Guarantor, for which some argue that it requires a related and specific motivation (which is currently lacking. Just as there are those who doubt the “indicative” scope of the term itself. Underlining how this characteristic is lacking from the moment in which exceeding. The indicated time threshold would require non-trivial motivational burdens on the part of the Data Controller.
we can certainly note the goodness of the provision. were is still exposed to doubts and uncertainties in its application.