Home » Content consistency: get to know the behind-the-scenes of the strategies that really generate results

Content consistency: get to know the behind-the-scenes of the strategies that really generate results

For a Content Marketing strategy to be successful, it is necessary, above all, to be consistent. Strong communication, regardless of the channel, even impacts the brand’s authority. Read this post and understand how to be consistent in your content and messages!

Laura Bernardes

Mar 10, 21 | 9 min read
content consistency
Reading time: 7 minutes
If you use Content Marketing in your business strategy, you already know that there are several factors that influence the results of your efforts.

Quality content that answers the buyer persona ‘s questions and is also optimiz for search engines are some of the most important points of this Digital Marketing methodology.

However, have you ever stopp to evaluate the coherence of the materials you publish and even the consistency of your brand communication?

In a robust content strategy, with several publications

per month, or even when the time comes to outsource the production of these materials, it is essential that everyone speaks in the same tone of voice, following the same parameters.

This is the long-for consistency of moldova email list 100000 contact leads content, a key point to offer a quality and memorable experience, and here we will address this interesting topic in depth!

Next, we will show you:

The importance of constant communication
The 3 pillars of consistent communication
How to make your style guide?
Take note!

The importance of constant communication
We live in the era of Consumer 4.0, who seeks information about the product and the company, who buys with purpose and wants to be serv on different channels.

Imagine this consumer performs a Google search, looking up the benefits of Inbound Marketing . Then he finds a Rock Content text, written by a certain author, who claims that an Inbound strategy will bring many benefits to his business.

Within this text, however, you see a link to another

page, made by another author. There, the second author claims that Inbound Marketing does not have so many benefits, and that betting on Outbound is safer.

So, what information will you trust? Is inbound beneficial or not? This, logically, is not consistent content, but rather incoherence that undermines the brand’s cribility.

Plus, if your audience doesn’t believe what you’re saying, your domain is unlikely to rank high on Google.

In the digital world, authority is like a ladder that brands climb step by step. Clear, informative texts, without contradictions, help them climb to the top, and this shows that coherence in communication is essential.

It’s important to ensure that all authors are on the same page when writing for your company blog. In addition to perception on key topics, tone of voice, mindset and intent should also align.

As much as each author has his or her own nuances and style, the difference between the content publish on the blog cannot be striking and substantial.

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That is why it is important for the company to have

a basic writing manual, which sets standards to follow so that the result is the dissemination of consistent content, regardless of the author.

Remember: there is nothing worse than entering a material and, instead of adding value, it draws attention due to a negative aspect, such as incoherence.

The Brand Persona represents the essence, language and tone of voice of a brand in interactions with the audience.

It is a character profile that is creat to how to run a profitable service business with the help of artificial intelligence represent and humanize the brand. In this way, people do not feel that they are talking to a company, but to a person with values, perceptions and characteristic elements, which at the end of the day is the identity of your business.

You can create this representation from scratch, taking into account the pillars of your company culture, or bas on someone who already exists, such as a market segment specialist or a figure who aligns with the values ​​of your audience.

For example, Mi Casa Mi Clima , a brand creat to distribute Honeywell cooling equipment in Mexico, creat a character call Dr. Cool, who gives a friendly and personal face to the automat chatbot on its website to answer people’s questions and concerns. He is even the author of the blog’s content.

If you don’t want to develop a character, you can anhui mobile phone number list rely on concepts and even the brand’s strategic narrative.

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