Cold Email Templates to Skyrocket Your

What is a cold email template?

A cold email template helps you build a connection with a potential customer when reaching out for the first time through cold emailing. As you’ve never met your potential customer before, it’s a great way to get in touch for the first time and start building a relationship.

Cold email examples that get responses

What used to be a race to be the best and most resilient Estonia Phone Numbers sales exec has simply transferred to the electronic envelope.

Good cold email campaigns require careful crafting, which is why these specially curated cold email examples are so successful:

The trick to introductory emails is to explain why you’re connecting and what your company does in two sentences or less.

Including a link to your site is a nice touch because. Prospective clients can look at your product without feeling pressured into buying it.

Finally, ending with a question rather than a meeting request invites conversation rather than immediately pushing for a sale, which normally results in a positive response.

2. The attention-grabber email

A classic formula for cold outreach email templates is hooking your prospect with the first line.

This is called the AIDA technique, which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.

To do it well, your first line should grab a potential prospect’s attention. You can use any sort of hook here – ask a question, mention a recent event or success your prospect achieved or add a bit of humour.

Whatever you do, your first cold email line should Afghanistan Phone Number List your prospects enough that they continue reading to the next line. Here, you’ll entice them further with an interesting fact, link to additional resources that add value, or social proof of how you’ve helped others.

After you’ve interested them, build desire. Make them want to achieve the same results as your best customers, and then ask if they are free for a quick 10-minute call or a meeting to discuss.

Remember to followhen you ring them!

3. The competitor name-drop email

Sometimes, all it takes is a name-drop to get cold prospects interested. Whether it’s a fantastic client or a competitor depends on your cold email strategy.

If you know a prospect is using or demoing a competitor’s product, they might be interested in trying yours, too. All it takes is cold prospecting email templates that highlight a product’s main selling points—done in a way that showcases why yours is better.

Here’s an example of a cold prospect email template:.


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