Home » Brand positioning guide: how to consolidate your company’s strength in the consumer market

Brand positioning guide: how to consolidate your company’s strength in the consumer market

Brand positioning is the central element of the success, sustainability and permanence of a business in any field.

Juan Andres Corrales

Feb 3, 21 | 15 min read
Discover how to carry out brand positioning and understand the concept
Reading time: 11 minutes
This is a factor aligned with Branding , which reinforces the corporate identity and makes the business increasingly viable and prone to growth.

The spaces that companies compete for are on many levels, not only in advertising or in the market, but also in your mind. Brands want to get a place in your thoughts to trigger bursts of happiness every time you remember them. That is a fundamental concept when we talk about brand positioning.

Given its relevance in today’s competitive markets

today we want to explore this key concept in depth, delving into its essence and key factors, among other things.

So, are you ready to learn the ABCs of brand positioning? If so, stay with us!

What is brand positioning?
Genius and guru of modern marketing , and czar of innovative business processes, are some very good descriptions for Philip Kotler , who also gave us a very good concept of brand positioning.

According to Kotler, defender and list of moldova consumer email disseminator of concepts such as the 4 P’s of Marketing , positioning consists of designing the commercial offer in such a way that it occupies a valuable place in the minds of consumers .

This tells us that it is a comprehensive and broad process, which involves both visibility and connection with users and that it is only possible to promote it if the market segment and potential customers are understood .

For any company, regardless of its size and industry, a successful brand positioning strategy translates into benefits such as :

continuous sales, since the commercial offer is always in the consumer’s mind;
greater brand recognition and visibility;
authority in the market, thus building audiences beyond customers;
credibility and a better image in the market.
In these times, this positioning must be focused on the digital environment. The better positioned we are in the web world, the better positioned the business will be in general.

Positioning vs brand recognition
It is possible for a product to be highly recognized, but its positioning to be non-existent . The same thing happens with brands in general.

This clearly shows us the difference between brand positioning and recognition, also known as Brand Awareness .

Positioning is a comprehensive concept that is related to sales level, market share, frequency of use of products or services, positive user evaluations, and overall strength and leadership .

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Let’s define Branding Branding is a type of marketing

that requires an advanced understanding, as grasping the concept of “memorable” is not that simple. It is much easier to understand a disclosure of a how to have a profitable service business in 2024 specific product benefit than a brand experience . And that is the trick!

Branding is not meant to be understood literally, but rather to generate sensations associated with a visual identity. Its importance lies in the fact that:

It gives a clear identity to the products, differentiating them from any other similar offering;
It works as an indicator of quality, when we know a brand we trust and believe in it;
shares values ​​that we agree with and identify with.
Branding is omnipresence, the surprising spark that unleashes desire, being invisible and appearing only to add value or solve problems. Achieving this is not so simple, it requires daily work and a team of specialists.

Types of brand positioning
If we talk about position, we are talking about building a clearly defined place and to do this we have to create perspectives, associate the position with a dy leads characteristic so that it is easy to understand from which place we are communicating. Let’s see some types of positioning below!

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