The expression Uncle Bernie refers to the behavioral pattern of people who are comfortable and avoid the discomfort that change can cause. In sales, it is a widely used concept to understand customer objections and thus successfully overcome them.
Ivan de Souza
Jan 20, 21 | 7 min read
Uncle Bernie
Reading time: 6 minutes
In the commercial scenario, it is very common for a salesperson to offer a proposal to a prospect, but without being able to make the sale.
Sometimes the reasons are obvious, such as lack of urgency, need, or even money, but there are times when the salesperson cannot identify the reason why that potential new customer said “no.”
For example, let’s suppose that a person needs to double the income of his company because, otherwise, he will not have any profits and will have to close his doors.
So, a marketing solutions provider presents
the ideal plan for you to actually achieve this goal. However, the person says, “no.” That is, instead of changing, she prefers to continue with the same status quo .
But what is the status quo? This is an expression that comes from Latin and means “current state” and is related to the scenario, situation or condition that someone or something is experiencing at the moment.
Now, in the case of the person we micronesia email list 150000 contact leads mentioned, their status quo comes down to continuing to do the same old things that don’t lead them to double their income.
So if you know that achieving that goal is important, why did you say no to me, if the solution the salesperson presented to you is exactly what you needed?
Many people imagine that the answer to this question must be very complicated, but it is simpler than you might think. So simple that it can be summed up in just two words: Uncle Bernie .
But at the end of the day, what is Uncle Bernie?
And so, from that moment on, he never put even a cigarette in
Ok, but what does that have to do with marketing or sales?
You must be asking yourself this question right now. After all, this is a blog about marketing and sales, so why dedicate a post to talk about an uncle who used to smoke and his nephew who decided to quit?
Well, at the beginning of this article we saw the example of clients who, despite receiving a proposal that could help them achieve their goals, say no to the change and maintain their status quo, exactly the same thing that Uncle Bernie did.
And the consequences of not changing how to run a profitable service business with the help of artificial intelligence that picture can be fatal, because just as Uncle Bernie died, there are clients who can close the doors of their business.
So the term Uncle Bernie is related to what can happen to all those who conform and avoid the inconvenience of change.
Yes, all change is uncomfortable. Uncle Bernie’s nephew had a hard time quitting smoking, but he managed because he knew that going back to the old status quo would lead to an early death.
Now, those who work in sales can understand dy leads what goes through the mind of a client who says no to the solution they were looking for: the fear of change.