Renault Arkana becomes the second most searched model in Spain

The continuous process of transformation that the consumption of audiovisual media has experienced has made it easier for some companies to take advantage of this impact to enhance their initiatives. This is the case of Renault, which in collaboration with Google and OMD , and taking advantage of the launch of the new Renault Arkana, has designed a campaign that aims to improve efficiency in the mix of On and Off media.

What changes is the consumption of audiovisual media facing

Within this period of transformations industry email list in the consumption of audiovisual media, Beatriz affirms that there are two changes that are evident today more than ever. “On the one hand, we have the technological part . Although before they were connected devices, now we find both content platforms, or channels that give the user the option of what to see and when to see it. This brings us to the second change, which is behavioral . Users no longer adapt their schedules to programming as much as before, and become managers of their own content who increasingly demand greater diversity and expect a certain immediacy, something to which social networks have undoubtedly contributed,” she explains.

The keys to great positioning

After a few months since the launch of the USA Phone List campaign, Renault Akrana is the second most sought after model in Spain in the entire Auto industry. In addition, it has experienced an increase in searches for the car model by up to +18% among users who saw the ad on YouTube. “ The key to the success of this campaign has been to address the change in user behavior. If we focus on this, and are able to make agile decisions that validate what consumption data tells us, we will be able to take advantage of these trends and make our communication more effective,” says Beatriz.

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